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·2 mins·

Who am I? Truthfully, I have no idea.

Maybe this blog can help me answer this question by reflecting on my thoughts and experiences in the realms of science and technology. The writing of a complex idea can help clarify it in my mind, and distill it down to its essence.

Maybe I will finally succeed in understanding the world around me. By researching and playing with numbers I could maybe discover some new insights.

But in the plausible case I will just end up with a bunch of half-baked ideas and a blog that no one reads. Either way, I hope you enjoy the ride. 🎢

Julia Code
using Plots

# define the Lorenz attractor
Base.@kwdef mutable struct Lorenz
    dt::Float64 = 0.01
    σ::Float64 = 10
    ρ::Float64 = 28
    β::Float64 = 8 / 3
    x::Float64 = 1
    y::Float64 = 1
    z::Float64 = 1

function step!(l::Lorenz)
    dx = l.σ * (l.y - l.x)
    dy = l.x * (l.ρ - l.z) - l.y
    dz = l.x * l.y - l.β * l.z
    l.x += l.dt * dx
    l.y += l.dt * dy
    l.z += l.dt * dz

attractor = Lorenz()

# initialize a 3D plot with 1 empty series
plt = plot3d(
    xlim = (-30, 30), ylim = (-30, 50), zlim = (0, 60),
    legend = false, marker = 2, dpi = 100,
    grid=false, xaxis = false, yaxis = false, zaxis = false

anim = @animate for i = 1:3000
    push!(plt, attractor.x, attractor.y, attractor.z)
end every 20
outfile = "../../static/images/about/lorenz.gif"
gif(anim, outfile; show_msg=false)
run(`convert $outfile -coalesce -trim -layers trim-bounds $outfile`); # use imagemagick to crop the gif
Lorenz attractor - so cool!